10 Tips for Speaking on a Panel
In a recent posting 10 Tips on Moderating a Panel Discussion I listed suggestions for anyone who has been appointed a panel moderator.
In this companion piece, I’ll list tips for those of you who’ve been invited to speak on a panel. Simple math indicates there’s a greater chance you’ll be asked to be on a panel than moderate one (unless your name is Terry Gross or Jeremy Paxman).
Many of the tips for moderators have a corollary for panel members. Just as the moderator should know the audience; schedule time to participate in panel rehearsals or pre-event meetings; and be aware of the electronic backchannel, so should should panelists. The reverse if also true. If panelists need to learn to shut up, the moderator must make sure to engage less aggressive panelists in the discussion. Not only is this courteous, but it provides the attendees with a more rounded, more interesting discussion. A good panel is a dialog between an intelligent and aware moderator and an engaged group of panelists for the benefit of the audience.
10 Tips for speaking on a panel
- Know about the panel you are on
- Know the other panelists
- Know your material
- Don’t be boring
- Be prepared – don’t walk into the panel cold
- Respect others
- Don’t be a show-off
- Remember you are always onstage
- Hang around afterward
- Have fun!
There’s a vast difference between participating in a political slug-fest such as Crossfire or light entertainment like Just a Minute. Even if you know that’s it’s an industry panel, be aware, for instance, if you are the sole Microsoft representative on an Open Source panel. Some moderators delight in generating controversy and might introduce an unwary panelist into a hostile environment.
Use social media tools to find out the scoop on other panelists. Search their names in Google, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter. Find out what other panels they have been on, read any reports and look for videos of them on YouTube and read about them in blogs.
You should know what positions they’ve taken in the past and opinions they hold. Nothing is more disarming than to reference their Alma Mater (listed in LinkedIn) or an important paper they’ve written in the middle of the discussion.
It’s assumed you are an expert, but refresh yourself by checking in Google News and doing an advanced search into the Twitter archives to update yourself on the venue, issues and other hot topics. Heck, you don’t even need a Twitter account to do this.
Remember you are there to entertain, not to inform.
National Speakers Association President Kristin Arnold suggests:
Panel members face the same challenge as all speakers, the need to move from being boring to “bravo!”. Be keenly aware of how much airtime you are using, keep you remarks short and to the point. Be relevant and controversial – a little chutzpa goes a long way!
Once you’ve spoken to the moderator and other panel members, sit down and create an outline of the points you wish to make. List the brief stories you can tell to illustrate the points. Remember, an entertaining story includes a great opening line and an obstacle that was overcome. One tool to use to list your points is the Challenge, Action, Response framework.
Media trainer TJ Walker advises:
Treat a panel like any other speaking opportunity. Have an outline with a few points. Make sure you have a story and specific case studies for your audience to make your points come alive.
Even if you get into a heated discussion with another panelist or an audience member criticizes you, don’t lose your cool. Stay in relationship with the other panelists and audience. This means interacting with other panelists, acknowledging what they say, agreeing to disagree. Be aware of the flow of the panel discussion and sensitive to the mood of the audience, but don’t allow yourself to be bullied. You can see mistakes to avoid and pick up some survival techniques by watching anyone with liberal opinions being interviewed on Fox News.
UK business commentator and experienced panelist Stephen Harvard Davis says:
I always remember that I’ve been invited to join the panel because someone else has views and opinions that are different to my own. When responding to what they say I should never take their words as a personal attack and must always remain calm and pleasant, whilst making my point robustly. After all, it’s not their fault that their opinion is wrong! I always remember that the audience has come to hear all the panel’s opinions and not just my own. The audience wants to see a gladiatorial contest of wits and be entertained by it. A couple of minutes in answer to any one point is more than enough and whilst my opinion may be the only one worth listening to, I must let the audience be the judge of that.
Don’t compete with the moderator or other panelists for time or attention. It’s not a discussion if one person dominates. Keep your bio brief. Don’t promote your company. Get into the topic right away.
Joel Postman, author of SocialCorp, notes:
In school, there was always that guy in the front row who had his hand up for every question, begging to be called on with pleas of ‘oh, oh, oh, oh.’ Well he grew up and he participates in every panel discussion. And he’s still just as annoying as he was in Mrs. Benson’s English class.
Even when not speaking, maintain eye contact with other panelists and the audience. It’s not advisable to look at the moderator, even when you are talking, it’s the audience you are there to address.
Unless you are a CEO with an entourage and places to go, stick around after the panel ends. Audience members who need some of your time will come up to speak. Exchange cards with them. You never know who you’ll meet.
After all, that’s what the audience wants to see. Part of the fun might be blogging or tweeting about your experience and using social media to magnify the impact of the discussion for those unable to attend the event.
I’d like to thank Kristin Arnold, TJ Walker, Stephen Harvard Davis and Joel Postman for their contributions to this blog posting.