Tweeting #nsa10

There’s just over 24 hours to go before the National Speakers Association 2010 Convention in Orlando, and the buzz on Twitter is kicking into high gear.

There are now 880 tweets in the archive.

These have been submitted by 100 of the expected 1,500 attendees, so less than 10% of NSA’ers seem to be active on Twitter (or maybe a majority will wait until they get to Orlando before they start contributing). As it is, @neenjames is the most active, with over 50 messages posted. Neen is a productivity expert, who obviously finds something productive in Twitter. Hopefully the remaining 90% of the crowd will too.

Some of the pre-conference tweets which caught my eye include:

@meredyth25 Too excited for #nsa10 to sleep!!

Double Dutch
@HansRuinemans Looong day. But I’m packed and ready to fly from Amsterdam to Orlando for the #nsa10 convention. Few hours of sleep be4 meeting @paulterwal

Follow everyone
@goldasich: Want to follow everyone from #nsa10? Visit each day during the conference.

Deep In The Heart…
@DaveLieber Can’t wait to see NSA speaker pals at #NSA10. My tribute to NSA/North Texas pals “What my speaker friends taught me” at

Well said
@thomsinger Conference Networking Tip: Tweet or Blog about the coolest parts of the conference (but not every little thing or you’ll bore people) #nsa10

Down Under
@kirstyspraggon #nsa10 I ammmmmm so looking forward to meeting everybody. Will be at the international drinks with 7 other Aussies.

The British are Coming…
@LesleyEverett RT @mediacoach: #nsa10 Checking last-minute details before heading across the Atlantic to NSA10 in Orlando tomorrow – Me too

Wide-eyed first timer
@paulwandrew So excited about being in Orlando later this week for National Speakers Convention- my first one, and I’ll be meeting people 24/7 #NSA10

Never eat alone
@thomsinger Conference Networking Tip – sit with strangers at meals. Do not always be attached at the hip to those you already know #nsa10

Internationally Speaking
@MediaCoach: #nsa10 Delegates from more than 12 countries will be in Orlando. Make them feel welcome.

Networking Tip
@thomsinger: Conference Networking Tip: Do not memorize an elevator pitch about you. Memorize 3-5 questions to ask others. Get them talking. #nsa10

..but a good cigar is a smoke
@robertbradford #cpeg10 #nsa10 Looking forward to Cigar PEG party at the NSA convention – try it even if you don’t like cigars!

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