Pod Save America
I’m impressed by the new podcast from the Obama speechwriting team (who suddenly have time on their hands).
Pod Save America is a lively, irreverent and highly partisan discussion hosted by hosted by Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer and Tommy Vietor. In the latest episode they are joined by second-term chief speechwriter Cody Keenan in a discussion that gives some great advice on what makes a speechwriters’ life pleasurable or painful, why edits to a draft are to be welcomed, and makes the unequivocal point on the importance of direct access to the principal, not mediated by comms staff.
There’s wonderful inside baseball tales on which sections of Obama’s speeches were written by who, and where the President made killer edits.
I love it that their Twitter account has over 30,000 followers but they only follow one person, can you guess who?
Check it out on iTunes or your favorite podcast syndication venue.
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