Cicero Speechwriting Award Winner: Choosing the Gun, General Peter van Uhm
Congratulations to Annelies Breedveld for winning the 2012 Cicero Speechwriting Award with her wonderfully crafted speech for General Peter van Uhm, Chief of Defense for The Netherlands “Choosing the Gun”
“I do not stand here today to tell you about the glory of weapons. I do not like guns, and once you have been under fire yourself it brings home even more clearly that a gun is not some macho instrument to brag about.”
An awesome speech about a controversial topic, way more sophisticated than the simplistic Second Amendment bleating of the NRA. See for yourself.
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Annelis — Congratulations on your award! I have just listened to the video and it is excellence. Your speaker’re remarks are very heartfelt and convincing. I believe him when he says he does not like guns. Good stories to support his argument. Excellent! Cindy Starks
By Cindy Starks on 03.19.12 6:03 pm
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