227 Top Tweets from #prsa_ic
The annual Public Relations Society of America International Conference was held October 16 – 19, 2010 at the Washington DC Hilton.
3,129 PR professionals met for the four days and attended a series of main stage keynotes, break out sessions and informal workshops.
Over 1,000 attendees generated over 6,000 tweets under the hashtag #prsa_ic. (An additional 134 mobile phone users, frustrated with the difficulties in using a hashtag with an underscore, created 300+ tweets under the hashtag #prsa10. Read some of the debate this caused below.)
Twitter is ephemeral. It only maintains 10-14 days of content, so this information will soon disappear. However, here’s a useful permanent archive all of the tweets. It’s with deep gratitude to all the attendees who posted their messages that this content has been made available worldwide on Twitter. Thanks!
Building on an idea of listing of “top tweets” I’ve experimented with at other conferences, I’ve curated a list of 227 tweets I found most content-rich and interesting; adding links where appropriate for easy reference; consolidating others; editorializing as indicated by [ … ]. Removing the re-tweets (RT’s) alone reduced the number of total tweets by 33%. The list below is in alphabetical order – no judgment is implied by being #1, #10 or #110.
I feel that this summary listing demonstrates the power of social media to magnify elements of an event that would otherwise have been lost.
Please share your own experiences of the event in the blog comments (or on Twitter!). I apologize in advance if I omitted your favorite tweet – feel free to search the archive and add it to the comments below.
- @chriskemper “Being out of control” is similar to the old PR fundamental: honesty and openness are powerful persuaders – @CharleneLi
- @NikL1212 “By a show of hands, how many of you visit porn sites?” – @BillTancer Ha! Not a single hand raised.
- @LJohnsonPR “Prepare for failure.” Know how to be comfortable not controlling the message to build social media relationships – @CharleneLi
- @BUPRSSA “$5 a month can feed a kid everyday on the WFP.” For the price of a cappuccino, we can feed a child for one month.
- @HeyRatty @Newseum might be the best museum I’ve ever been to. Did 2.5 hours; could have done another 2 if camera didn’t die/feet didn’t hurt.
- @ericschwartzman @sallyfalkow & @lieblink SEO is PR podcast
- @NeekBarnes 19 products drive 80% of total revenue, 60% of businesses sell to other businesses…we deleted the consumer.
- @derekdevries 2 B effective in new world, orgs need to make social media part of reg org structure/process – not treat as novelty – @CharleneLi
- @davispr 3 changes in media per Jim VandeHei, Politico: exponentially more diffuse, age of niche and people are exceedingly fickle.
- @ElizHoltan 8 seconds (average attention span) to hook, 110 seconds (average elevator ride) to sell: the new elevator pitch is 118 sec – @JeffreyHayzlett
- @bobdittmer 80% of major sports teams house social media in marketing.
- @BLassiter 93% of journalists get their next story idea from Google or Twitter searches, not e-mail.
- @Carriejs A lot of info gathering w/college aged is happening on social networks. Communication is many to many instead of 1 to 1 (ie. email).
- @JustinSHubbard A lot of measurement tools/companies on exhibit that don’t seem to get. To be useful, be more than just a news aggregator.
- @stephskordas A lot of people who are influential aren’t digital, especially in DC, says @cheeky_geeky
- @mattkellypr A reminder for myself and PR friends who scoff at the credibility of advertising — from IPR.
- @jonathan_rhudy AARP’s audience is the fastest growing group on Facebook.
- @epope According to compete.com, Facebook now drives more web traffic than Google.
- @derekdevries Agree w/ @charleneli – we need to worry less about what could go wrong w/ social media & focus on what can go RIGHT.
- @HeyRatty Agreed. They should be listed in printed Program! RT @dfriez @prsa can we get Twitter handles for speakers at #prsa_ic?
- @prsa_ic Annual Grunig Lecture: Remembering the Relationships in PR
- @lieblink Answers to the 7 top social media PR questions I was asked at #PRSA_IC – @lieblink
- @PRSA Are you following Conference news? We have the latest!
- @RileyComm Article is a funny word when you hear it a lot.
- @LYLEHALVORSON Be an informer, not a meformer – @annwylie
- @BonnieRiechert Be forthright, authentic, transparent in your dialogue – @CharleneLi
- @rdonley Be in control, control the message – @CharleneLi
- @prsanews Be yourself online: don’t need multiple profiles – don’t say anything to upset your grandma – @geoffliving
- @Ashley_Walters Behind the Scenes: Talking Politics with POLITICO in D.C.
- @derekdevries Being effective org w/ SM requires 1) discipline 2) culture of sharing 3) asking right Q’s re: value 4) prep 4 failure – @CharleneLi
- @derekdevries Best Buy handing control to employees via Twitter has produced & 12 examples of failure & thousands of successes – @CharleneLi
- @sandrafathi Best question ever asked by speaker at a conference – @CGraves: “How many of you have ever had sex, or shot heroin?”
- @MikeMcDoug Best-ever Kodak spot. Simply incredible.
- @cheshirelad Beyond just providing twitter handle, how about a Social Media Homepage for each presentation?
- @PRSAtactics @BillTancer demonstrating the data he loves. This slide: Prom Dress Obssession.
- @bonnieupright Build strategies not around technology, but around relationships – @CharleneLi
- @bonnieupright C-level needs to know this RT @DavidSpinks: Just because something is important doesn’t make it newsworthy-@michaelsmartpr
- @richardbagnall ‘Campaigns come to an end, movements live on forever’. How can you inspire a movement with social media?
- @derekdevries Can the nation’s largest healthcare insurer have a grassroots campaign that isn’t astroturf? [Will anything to do with American healthcare ever make sense?]
- @ElizHoltan Can’t predict elections from Internet searches; crossover traffic comes from researching opposite viewpoint, says @BillTancer
- @40deuce Case study @shonali is using now shows a company dropped it’s ad spend from $500k to $50k, but using SM brought revenue up 30%.
- @epope Case study on recall search terms: pet food searched 10x more than recall info on children/infants – @BillTancer [Our values on display]
- @dcaplick CEOs understanding what is really newsworthy could save PRPs a LOT of headaches. – @bonnieupright [Is that their job?]
- @derekdevries Charlene Li cites @twelpforce as ex of empowering employees to take ownership of communicating for company via tech support.
- @jaclyngrossfiel Charlene Li on social med measurement: organizations will not find value in social media unless they value relationships.
- @derekdevries Charlene Li’s slides fr #prsa_ic lecture avail @ slides@altimetergroup.com, blog: charleneli.com/blog, email: charlene@altimetergroup.com
- @CSUFPRSSA Check out @BillTancer blog
- @colbcox Check out this SlideShare presentation : PRSA 2010 – Branded Content
- @PRSA Check what bloggers & reporters are writing about #prsa_ic.
- @JessLeeds Cognitive Dissonance is often a problem in research-people answer based on what they perceive the researcher wants to hear – @BillTancer
- @adscriptskathy College students and 55+ demographic relying less on e-mail, more on social media to gather info
- @NSyzdek Coming to PRSA conf. is like going to church. You’ve heard the sermon 1 mil x, but you prob need to hear it again. [And everyone bows their head, praying to the iPod Gods]
- @PRSAtactics Conference Recap: @billtancer on listening to the conversation
- @prsa_ic Conference Recap: @JeffreyHayzlett on the Mirrror Test.
- @prsa_ic Coombs & Holladay Discuss the Kindle Crisis
- @ghidotti Create sandbox covenants – balance between being open and closed in your leadership – @CharleneLi
- @crwilcox Creative people should never have to compromise to carry out their vision – @JeffreyHayzlett
- @stephskordas Crowdsourcing is MOST difficult job we do in PR. When you overmanage crowd, you kill it. Example: Digg.
- @dskaletsky Currently 1mm traditional journalists in world, but 35mm online influencers (per Kevin McFall from Cision).
- @ElizHoltan Data is truly the basis for good PR practices; without listening, it’s impossible to understand an audience.
- @dianeschwartz Did you know 75% of tweets are ignored? Are you gonna ignore this one or re-tweet? [It was not ignored…]
- @derekdevries Did you know Hilton Washington where #prsa_ic is called the Hinckley Hilton b/c it’s where John Hinckley attempted to assassinate Reagan?
- @TedNguyen Do PR pros get Twitter engagement? Official hastags of #prsa_ic and #pr_leaders with underscores underscore confusion.
- @kathybarbour Does your org have something like the US Air Force Blog Comment Policy? You need one.
- @CubanaLAF Dominate news coverage for your specific audience – focus is more influential than ever.
- @derekdevries Don’t concentrate on measuring influence, unique visits – measure outcomes. Outcomes = Income$.
- @ghidotti Don’t feed the trolls in online communities. Tell them they aren’t welcome – @CharleneLi
- @Carriejs Editing video is a bitch. Focus on short & sweet videos & shoot so you don’t have to edit. Reshoot until you get it right.
- @40deuce Even if you’re writing a blog for a client the client still needs to provide you w/ content or else it’s not authentic.
- @BUPRSSA Facebook is more popular than porn – @BillTancer, Experian Hitwise.
- @NanClarke Facebook rewards writing at a 5th grade level & Twitter at 6.5 via@annwylie
- @prsanews Financially, social media is not the way to make $; needs to be integrated into other programs: @geoffliving
- @jakprpro Forget viral. Social media goal is to build community over time.
- @davidjolson Found out the highest circulation magazine in the U.S. is – drum roll, please – AARP The Magazine, by far.
- @Fancy_Lad Free Twitter analysis tools recommended by @BillTancer, Hitwise: Tweetcloud.com and search.twitter.com
- @kdpaine Funny how a simple underscore in a hashtage #prsa_ic can be so hard to find on a phone keypad. Good lesson to learn.
- @iBridgeforth Goal of Many Marketing Campaigns Should be to Gain Hearts and Minds of Target Audiences.
- @HeyRatty Google is your brand’s homepage & Wikipedia is your brand’s About Us page – @ednaruano
- @sarahsmbrown Got love a keynote that starts with kiss that shit goodbye. This’ll be good!
- @amandamogul Got my @charleneli interview up!
- @jddavenport Great new online presentation tool #prsa_ic may make you kick ppt to the curb.
- @ElizHoltan Great public speakers must be at least 50% comedian, I think.
- @CSUFPRSSA Grossman: the first week of January breeds the most at internet searches for diet. Volume cuts in half by Jan. 5
- @Fancy_Lad Harder to hate on Farmville now. RT @40deuce: World Food Programme raised $1.5M through Farmville in 5 days for Haiti #PRSA_IC
- @Hill_KnowltonUS Here is our interview with Don Wright
- @rdonley Hmm, hate it when presenters use slides you can’t actually read. i got an idea – enlarge the important part. Size matters.
- @sarahsmbrown How much time do you spend setting conditions of satisfaction with clients? Up front planning saves time at the back end.
- @pujasheth http://Love146.org has a heartwrenching story behind how they found their brand name. They’re trying to stop sex slavery and explotation.
- @sbwalt78 I believe sardines may have more room in their can than we do in conf rooms.
- @toryk I find it hilarious to look around a huge ballroom full of people, a prime time for networking, to find everyone on their phone.
- @YoTodd I mostly tweet & share just so I can find the info again later RT @prsanews Influencers: Arent we just talking to ourselves online #prsa_ic
- @rdonley If filled up 20 gallon gas tank at $4 / gallon with printer ink, would cost $462,000!, says @JeffreyHayzlett. Slams HP.
- @aribadler If we can put a man on the moon, we can find a way to bring WiFi into a hotel.
- @mvallbona If you don’t value relationships you won’t value social media – @CharleneLi
- @Carriejs If you’re a solo practitioner & only do 3 things @bgindra says to start a blog, get on Twitter & develop a blog commenting strategy.
- @pujasheth Influence can be made. Passion can’t.
- @sallyfalkow Influence comes from providing real value to your community.
- @prweb Influence is a lot about listening–It’s also about educating: @geoffliving
- @toryk Influence is about being a daily servant to community: @geoffliving
- @derekdevries Interesting diversity of opinion on whether/not ppl read more/varied news due to serendipity enabled by sharing thru social media.
- @francishopkins Interesting recurring themes at #PRSA_IC: monitor social media for ROI, PR is driving marketing more & PR must be integrated with web.
- @rdonley Internet has become pervasive, e-trail we leave is rich, listen to conversation, we are what we click – @BillTancer
- @derekdevries Jim VanDehei discusses journo/mass medua/ad landscape: barely scratches surface of web 2.0 potential – still relies on old biz model.
- @40deuce Just in case you didn’t know; Twitter is the best place to promote a blog.
- @visionspr Just learned about free online polling tool for a small group by using texts.
- @dskaletsky just saw someone using a Palm Pilot at #prsa_ic. Seriously. I did. With the stylus and everything…why do I feel nervous for him?
- @40deuce Know the difference in Terms of Use between personal use and advertising use in social media.
- @BLassiter Know which of your company’s top 100 website referrers are media outlets.
- @rdonley Kodak is not in the film business, but in emotional technology business – @JeffreyHayzlett
- @JessLeeds Kodak’s waterproof camera was difficult to name-a popular Twitter contest made that happen – @JeffreyHayzlett
- @swissnexSF Lady Gaga has more twitter followers than some publications total subscribers.
- @CSUFPRSSA Least busy day for adult entertainment is Friday. Traffic increases when weather is colder.
- @jwmorganjr Lee Odden says to be sure to monitor wired journalists and muck rack.
- @prsa Life and Work: Cheryl Procter-Rogers Talks Balance With @ontherecord
- @dcaplick Look 4 reg. daily events 2 test crisis comms cntr setups now, b4 U-know-what hits the fan; also develop crisis equip kit & practice.
- @PRSAtactics Looking at trending search terms is part of listening to the conversation – @BillTancer
- @jennalanger Love that ppl are talking @Livefyre at #PRSA_IC. Want in to the private beta? Sign up at http://livefyre.com & we’ll send you an invite!
- @LaraK Loved @prblog’s take on #prsa_ic’s hashtag identity blues
- @PRSAtactics Luescher says Western world is lucky; don’t know ;bleach in the stomach feeling of real hunger that 7 mill ppl that UN helps face.
- @NikL1212 Luescher: We’re giving girls extra cooking oil. It’s enough for their families 2 allow them 2 attend school.
- @davispr Luescher: What you miss in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life, you can never make up.
- @CubanaLAF Making news free was journalists biggest downfall. (Information is always worth something).
- @Infoition Many consumers hit 25+ news sources daily. Absolute necessity to truly understand which sources matter – Jim VandeHei
- @AnnWylie Measure on shoestring: Google alerts, Twitter results, Survey Monkey, LinkedIn polls, Twitpolls – @shonali
- @prsa_ic Mining Search Trends San Antonio: Byline Blog – @BillTancer
- @Lainie_Bradshaw Monitoring of SM should be: 1. Timely 2. Credible. 3. Relevant. 4. Trustworthy.
- @PRVille Most needed skills for PR pros according to new PRSA Survey? Social Media and Crisis Comm. Media Relations #7th- @McClennan
- @saidlikefarrah My 1st conf session ever to discuss menstruation & sanitary napkins. P&G’s cause to keep girls in school in 3rd wrld countries.
- @derekdevries New (more accurate) news readership data Pulling the curtain back on 100 years of overcharging for advertising – @hatchjt
- @40deuce New business can contact you through social media easier than by phone or email sometimes.
- @NSyzdek Newer pros spend more time in social and media rel. Senior pros focus on global comms and issues mgt. Interesting.
- @derekdevries News organizations need to get over it; stop worrying about Google and start worrying about yourself – @hatchjt
- @derekdevries News orgs need journos more than vice versa. Everyone now has ability 2 publish; news has brand…for now – @hatchjt
- @Kentarawil No Free Wifi at PRSA International Conference – Here’s Why [Borderless Networks? Not quite there yet]
- @40deuce Not every company needs it’s own twitter handle. If your employees have one, just create a company hashtag and have them use it.
- @pvolmar Now listening to @cheshirelad [That’s me!] present about Speechwriting in the Age of Social Media Slideshare PPT.
- @pujasheth Odden: Add links that matter to your site. Relinking is the electricity of the web and Google.
- @richardbagnall On going theme of this conference is the speed of change + the need to embrace it.
- @stickycat Once again, session is not what I thought. Public Affairs is NOT about the Chilean Miner w/wife & mistress. Booooo.
- @kkimberl Paid Search teams are working more closely w/ PR to know the conersation about their brand.
- @bonnieupright People answer surveys how they think you want them to answer – @BillTancer
- @BUPRSSA PR has the best uses for internet search data, helps you listen to what’s out there.
- @NatashaSeitz PR has to be constantly evolving-what we did three months ago doesn’t work and what we do now won’t work in three months – Jim VandeHei
- @ashleytravels PR has to be constantly evolving-what we did three months ago doesn’t work and what we do now won’t work in three months.
- @jania99 PR people are analytical but creativity is what gives us an edge.Yay PR!
- @krisTK PR pros must be able to work w all media. Trad media will be around for next 10-20 yrs. After that, we’ll see, per @politico
- @kkimberl Press releases aren’t dead if you use SEO and SM. Its about the whole strategy, not the tools.
- @JustinSHubbard PR’s value has more than one metric. Stop looking at just sales – @kdpaine
- @PRNewsonline PRSA Conf: Ian Griffin, speechwriter for Cisco–writing tip: Use LinkedIn Groups and Polls for target audience research.
- @prsa_ic PRSA Conference After Hours.
- @prsanews PRSA Conference: a few observations via crisisblogger
- @podcasteve PRSA_IC needs to give training in how to use/not use Powerpoint. Reading huge text slides to me is a big fail.
- @prsa_ic PRSSA Inaugural Ball Awards Ceremony.
- @dcaplick Pub Info Officers are the counselors to the CEO Tony Haywards of this world to try to prevent sound bites like his.
- @EAHolzhauer Public Relations is NOT a TACTIC…Public Relations is a Strategic Communication Counseling Tool…Exactly!
- @derekdevries Re: Save PR – look @ trust poll #s trad news has little cred to confer on blogs. New model: 1-to-1 trust bldg thru soc networks.
- @Carriejs Re: pr agency websites: As an industry we aren’t walking the walk. Stop with stock photography & tons of copy. Show your work.
- @derekdevries Reaching audiences, esp young ppl means demonstrating direct relevence to their daily lives; teaching reverence 4 news won’t stick.
- @toryk Realize that alone is nothing, together it’s what we do. Community.
- @Ashley_Walters Relevance + sharability = buzz.
- @daveyarmon Reporter on @NasdaqOMX panel admits to threading Lady Gaga into story on utility stocks to boost SEO rankings.
- @prsa_ic Save the PR Industry: Support Traditional Media.
- @jonathan_rhudy See how your website stacks us with competitors via http://www.compete.com
- @kdpaine Seems like EVERYONE (or at least every exhibitor) is now in the social media monitoring business at #PRSA_IC.
- @MaurenKunz Show it, don’t tell it says @CGraves re: storytelling.
- @sallyfalkow SM adoption now over 80%. Future will be savvy ppl in cos rather than agencies.
- @kristoferkarol Small companies can now thrive because they can adapt to change easier – Jim VandeHei
- @prsanews Social media brings PR back to the days before media relations & client emphasis on getting into the WSJ – @geoffliving
- @sacevero Social media is enhancing & supplementing traditional media-trad. media isn’t dead-@kyestrance on the convergence of PR/marketing
- @kellichristman Social media is more effective when it has a solid website to back it up. Yeah for the new http://Cerner.com!
- @OnTheRecord Social Media is not new tools, it’s a new environment we need to learn to use – @jack_holt
- @Lainie_Bradshaw Social media means anything w/a comment box, even an Amazon book review.
- @stephskordas Social media puts us back in the role of ombudsmen so our clients can better navigate, connect with customers – @goeffliving
- @toryk Social media returns us to old PR, puts us in touch with influencers.
- @derekdevries Social Media will flip organizational leadership in favor of those who know how to use the tools & be authentic – @charleneli
- @kplemon Social tech offers opp to build new relationships-the one constant among changing landscape – @CharleneLi
- @kkimberl Social technologies will come and go, but the one constant is the relatioships you build – @charleneli
- @jaywalk1 Socially Diverse Interview with @PapiBlogger
- @BLassiter Start viewing your press release as a web page (embed links, videos, etc.) & have the consumer in mind as part of your audience.
- @prsa_ic Staying On-Brand With Social Communication.
- @davefletcher Staying On-Brand With Social Communication.
- @jonathan_rhudy Strong communications should create a movie in the listener’s (or reader’s) mind – Oglivy CEO @Cgraves
- @stephskordas Successful communities have more voices than one. Inspire, create, don’t infuse with brand messaging – @geoffliving
- @prsa_ic Talking ROI at the PRSA Conference via @prnewser
- @derekdevries Telling reality: Murdoch hasn’t pulled the trigger on de-listing from Google (all hat and no cattle).
- @derekdevries Telling sign: American Society of Newspaper Editors has changed name to American Society of NEWS Editors
- @JustinSHubbard The bottom line is not sales. It’s profit. Prove you can lower cost. Again, it’s business value – @kdpaine
- @derekdevries The Internet has been great for journalism; it hasn’t been great for the journalism *industry* – @hatchjt
- @40deuce The real measurement of social media comes from if your followers actually take some sort of action.
- @ghidotti The same campaigns keep getting highlighted in these #prsa_ic sessions. Maybe #prsa should better screen presentations.
- @CubanaLAF Thumbs up to PRSA for supporting the Barcelona Principles.
- @stephskordas Time management tips: use filters in hootsuite to bring in good info from people – @dbreakenridge
- @PRVille To journalists, 3 examples translates to a trend – @DavidSpinks
- @statenewswire Top Newspaper Facebook Fan Pages
- @kevin_sangsland Top skill desired by employers hiring PR candidates: writing. Relection of the value or writers or the scarcity?
- @statenewswire Top U.S. Newspapers by Website Traffic.
- @derekdevries Trad news industry / PR should worry more about audience apathy more than challenges to market share from blogs.
- @cubanalaf Traditionally – Branding is associated with an object, not a person. Reputation is what personal branding is.
- @40deuce Treat your blog like your own client and you’ll see it work a lot better.
- @JohnFriedman True value of PR not measured in column inches or minutes of air time (or even tweets) but in changes in attitude/behavior.
- @kdpaine Twitalyzer, Tweetdeck, Hubspot, Blog Grader to determine what people are talking about and who’s doing the talking – @sandrafathi
- @Gabb_b Twitter was strategically used as a logistic aid tool, not just awareness, in the Haiti disaster.
- @Carriejs Unfortunate that while speakers have been great, nearly all of the presentations at #prsa_ic use boring PowerPoint. And too much copy.
- @40deuce Use Facebook to express your companies creativity and personality because people on FB are less interested in business there.
- @AnnaRoseRotondi Use the 4 E’s to Get Social: Engage, Educate, Excite & Evangelize to build brand ambassadors – @JeffreyHayzlett
- @jillpreston Use the language your customers are using in your communications. Know your key words or your communication is irrelevant.
- @40deuce Use your company blog to show your company is a thought leader.
- @alexpriest VandeHei: Even in 2006 people didn’t see the rapid changes in media coming.
- @prsa_ic Video: Bettina Luescher, chief spokesperson for the United Nations World Food Programme interview.
- @BonnieRiechert We are what we search and we are what we click. – @BillTancer
- @davispr We should all be so good that our abilities outweigh our foibles – Ferne Bonomi, APR, Fellow PRSA, 2010 Patrick Jackson Award
- @Cecy_M_Padilla We tend to overvalue the things we can measure, and undervalue the things we cannot – @CharleneLi
- @amandamogul What Does It Mean to Be a Social Media Influencer?
- @stephnewton What is the impact on society if we can so specifically choose the news we want that we are not exposed to new ideas?
- @prsa_ic What Was the Best Lesson You Learned from Your Professor?
- @jody_donohue When communications aren’t integrated it’s because of ego or a turf war-both of which are stupid.
- @tammyRhoman When looking at data, open your eyes. Don’t let your notions overshadow the actual data – @BillTancer
- @AshleyTravels When responding to negative criticism online 1) accept blame 2) show response & solution 3) take the discussion someplace else.
- @derekdevries Why do conferences have speakers to announce the speakers who are announcing the *real* speaker? That’s 5 mins of Q&A were missing.
- @heatherread Wishing all the speakers from #prsa_ic would publish a combined list of all the books and twitter feeds that they’ve recommended.[Like this?]
- @sandraburrowes With 200 million mobile phones worldwide, PR pros need to ask How does my site look?; and How can it be found by mobile devices?
- @prsa_ic Words That Get People to Do Things.
- @Ashley_Walters World Food Programe used Twitter for internal operations during Hati relief, updating each other w/ road closings, food drops, etc
- @Matt_Hopkins Write up on lecture by Dr Rawlins.
- @NikL1212 You must embrace emotion – @CGraves on effective storytelling.
- @jwmorganjr Young public relations professionals who work in ad agencies are lucky to make $35,000 a year.
- @SarahBondKSU Younger audiences learned effectiveness of communicating many-to-many (status updates) vs. 1-1 comms (email)- @CharleneLi
10 Comments so far
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Hi Ian:
Thank you for collecting all these interesting tweets in one spot!
If it helps, we set up TwapperKeepers before PRSA Int’l Conference on pr_leaders (Leadership Assembly), prsa_ic, prsa10 and prsa2010 (I did them as keywords, not hashtags, which is why they may not have come up in a search).
Trying a third time to set up a collection which will gather up the strictly Conference based tweets under the multiple hashtags – hoping this one is the charm.
Hope this is useful!
-Randi Mason
By Randi Mason on 10.21.10 6:49 am
Ian – Fantastic resources, and thanks for pulling together such a broad glimpse of the chatter and insight from PRSA International Conference. It was a great event, and as you noted, generated quite a lot of Tweets from across the public relations space.
One quick spot you may want to correct: The conference actually had 3,129 attendees. You have it listed as 1,900 in your post.
Again, thanks for offering this fantastic resource and for taking the time to pull it all together.
Keith Trivitt
Associate Director of Public Relations
Public Relations Society of America
By Keith Trivitt on 10.21.10 7:12 am
Thanks for the insight about the number of attendees. I got the 1,900 from the Registration desk. I will correct this to 3,129 as you mention.
By Ian on 10.21.10 7:54 am
Thanks for including me. Good to know that I provided a few bon mots of value from the conference.
By Nancy Syzdek on 10.21.10 7:32 pm
More background on #6: Here’s the slides for the PR Pros and Social Media presentation by @sallyfalkow & @lieblink
By Ian on 10.22.10 3:52 pm
Mindblowing supplement to #225 and anyone who attended the @CGraves session on Storytelling. Check out The Purple Couch. Wow.
By Ian on 10.22.10 4:32 pm
Slides on High Tech Tools for PR @sandrafathi presentation referenced in #201.
By Ian on 10.22.10 5:01 pm
Thanks for putting this together! It’s a great recap of some of the finer and funnier moments of the conference.
By Sandra Fathi on 10.23.10 8:09 am
Dude, I cannot believe you did not post my cool tweets on jim Vandehei and inside baseball on DC? Wow, I am so bitter. I think I will tweet about it.
By Mike S on 10.24.10 6:21 am
Thanks for compiling this. It’s more than a list of tweets from the conference; these folks share good content all the time. Getting ready to follow those I don’t already.
By Kristie Aylett, APR on 10.24.10 6:23 pm
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