Interview: Diane Mariant – Living with a Bipolar partner

Diane Mariant Diane gives talks about living with bipolar disorder. Her husband, David (profiled in this series back in March) had to overcome his own struggles with bipolar. It’s estimated that 1 in 50 people in the USA have this disorder.

It is also estimated that 20% of people with bipolar disorder will commit suicide either on purpose or by reckless behavior during depressive or manic episodes. Biploar causes more deaths than aids and most forms of cancer. Bipolar disorder is believed to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and is treatable with many different medications.

However, medication alone is not enough to effectively control this illness. She and David share what else is necessary to live a healthy happy life in spite of having this devastating illness in their book Surviving Bipolar’s Fatal Grip – The Journey to Hell and Back.

Diane’s presentations describe her own story about living with this illness in her family and offers practical advice to others. She shares a success model and encourages the audience to use strategies such as mood tracking; getting adequate sleep; discovering their own triggers and learning how to lessen those triggers; taking their medicines at the same time every day; and other important strategies that will help them avoid depression, mania, and mixed bipolar states.

Pro-Track Profile

David and Diane are the only husband and wife team in the 2010 National Speakers Association of Northern California Pro-Track class.

I asked Diane what motivated her to get into the speaking business. To hear what she told me, click on the podcast icon below.

Interview – Allison Massari Ignites Rebirth, Vitality and Renewal


Museum artist Allison Massari found peace, purpose and happiness after overcoming two extraordinary personal tragedies. In 1998, Massari survived a near fatal 60 mph car crash where she was trapped and burned severely. Just three years later, she was hit again at 60 mph and sustained a brain injury. The level of betrayal she felt from life seemed insurmountable. She became determined to create an amazing life.

Taking a long, steep climb from ashes into recovery, she learned very clearly how to navigate her way to true healing and to a life beyond anything she could have dreamed possible. The award-winning painter and sculptor added a new medium to her inventive work—the written and spoken word. Her rededicated mission is to share her story of transformation and revitalization to activate visionary change in people and the organizations that nurture and inspire them.

Allison Massari is passionate about igniting the human spirit—the core of her message is courage, heart, happiness and redefining the impossible. “I’ve come to a place where my heart pounds with excitement instead of fear. If I could do this with my own life and under such extreme circumstances—imagine what you can do with yours.”

As a member of the National Speakers Association, Massari’s message is expertly relayed through inspirational keynotes, workshops, audio programs and coaching. Massari effectively weaves awe-inspiring stories and her compelling art images as metaphors for her most powerful insights.

Her professional career is rich with diverse achievements. In 1998 Massari founded programs for teens with severe burn injuries which continue at the Adaptive Sports Center in Crested Butte, Colorado. For over 15 years she has been creating, selling and placing fine art with international collectors and Fortune 500 clients such as General Mills, US Airways and Lockheed Martin. She holds a Masters of Arts degree from School of Visual Arts in New York City and a Bachelor of Arts from the Rhode Island School of Design. The Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Florida displays her collage work in its permanent collection.

Look for her in the forthcoming international documentary film ReSolve—teaching solutions for those coming through post-traumatic stress.

Pro-Track Profile

Allison carefully researched the National Speakers Association of Northern California before deciding to join. It was the reputation of Pro-Track which convinced her that her already thriving speaking business would benefit from the tips and techniques she learns in the monthly meetings.

To hear Allison’s discuss her speaking business and the way in which she’s finding ways of expressing the essential messages she expressed as an artist in words, click on the podcast icon below.

Interview: Matt Upton – Wisdom Coach

Matt UptonMatt Upton’s employment career has taken him from selling cards and lawn care to flipping burgers, folding tacos, selling knives, air conditioners, home insulation, to overseeing housing developments, to leading a sales force in five western states for a food manufacturer, leading various for profit businesses as well as non-profit businesses. The common thread has always involved public speaking.

As a professional speaker, writer, wisdom coach, and trainer Matt has conducted over 3000 presentations both throughout the United States as well internationally. His background in small groups and large group setting presentations has positioned him as an authority the area of business, personal and relationship growth.

He brings to the audience participants his successes and failures with humor and professionalism allowing them to learn while enjoying their invested time.

Matt works through the theme On the Move … FORWARD. This has enabled individuals as well as businesses both small and large advance forward to the next level of success. His work takes him across the United States and internationally.

Pro-Track Profile

Matt is enrolled in the 2010 Pro-Track class sponsored by the Northern California Chapter of the National Speakers Association.

He has experience speaking internationally in Bulgaria, to hear about his adventures there and his impressions of the Pro-Track program, click on the icon podcast below.

Interview: David Mariant – Bipolar Survivor

David Mariant David Mariant is an author, speaker, life coach, and founder of The Bipolar Coach and Surviving Bipolar. David reaches thousands by radio in over 30 countries worldwide. He is a sought after speaker who is recognized by mental health professionals and bipolar sufferers alike as a top expert on overcoming Bipolar Disorder. Having overcome his own struggle with bipolar, he fully understands, with great compassion, the struggles of others.

David is available for motivational and informative speaking engagements, keynotes, workshops and bipolar life coaching for individuals with bipolar and their families. He is a member of the Santa Clara County Mental Health Board of California, working to insure quality mental health care for people who suffer with mental illnesses of all types.

David’s Story

“Since first being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and after my own brush with death, I have become a passionate student of bipolar disorder. If you are interested in the truth about bipolar disorder and how to live with its hidden dangers, then I am your guy. I am a certified life coach for anyone, but specializing in coaching individuals with bipolar disorder.

I equip bipolar sufferers and their families with awareness by teaching them mental and physical strategies that they will need in order to help them survive, overcome the illness, and thrive. Medicine alone is rarely enough. My Surviving Bipolar Disorder Made S.I.M.P.L.E. Seminar and Workshop, has changed many people’s lives, giving them a new and successful way to live with this challenging illness.”

Pro-Track Profile

David is a member of the Northern California Chapter of the National Speakers Association Pro-Track class of 2010. He shared with me the story of his life and work and how he came to find out about the Pro-Track opportunity – with the help of NSA/NC founding member Patricia Fripp. To hear what he told me, click on the podcast icon below.

Interview: Frauke Schorr – Centered Leadership Coach

Frauke Schorr In order to gain a competitive edge it is essential for professionals to strive for both professional and personal excellence. Frauke Schorr’s work focuses on professionals who struggle and need outside expertise to bring their careers, businesses, and teams to the next level.

As part of her PhD in Organizational Psychology Frauke interviewed highly accomplished entrepreneurs and leaders on their experience of becoming successful. She found that the most successful leaders hold the mindset of a Centered Leader™ – They had a continuous curiosity to learn something new, challenge themselves, and stretch their boundaries while being grounded in a frame that was uniquely build on their personal values, beliefs, and passions. They also had the distinct ability to translate this frame into a company culture. They were, as Frauke describes it, leading from the inside-out.

Frauke uses this framework in her company, Centered Leadership™, a corporate training and executive coaching firm dedicated to developing business leaders on all levels of the corporation. It supports clients in defining and developing their careers and business, making successful career transitions, and becoming visionary leaders who engage and motivate others to achieve desired results.

Frauke can be reached at (650) 539-5553 or via email at

Pro-Track Profile

I met with Frauke at the kick-off meeting of the 2010 National Speakers Association Northern California Chapter year0long Pro-Track class. She told me something about her business and why she was investing Pro-Track training. To hear what she told me, click on the podcast icon below.

Interview – Janet Hebert, American Cancer Society Speaker

Janet HebertJanet Hebert has been a ranch hand (her parents raised prunes on over 100 acres in the Coyote Valley), an elementary school teacher, a full time single mom for her two children Katie and Jeff, and a caregiver for her own mother.

Janet has been speaking for the past 15 years. She has been a frequent competitor in Toastmasters District 4 – progressing to the Division and District contests several times, and all the way to the Regional level in the International Speech Contest in 2000. It was in the process of attending the Toastmasters contests that she met her husband Paul, also a winner at the District level.

Janet is a 16-year breast cancer survivor. For the past 15 years she has been speaking to audiences large and small on behalf of the American Cancer Society, helping raise awareness and inspire action for individuals and groups. While listening to Janet, audiences learn about cancer in general, how to detect it early, and what help is available when cancer is discovered. Listeners learn not only the facts – they learn about the compassion and human warmth behind the work of the American Cancer Society. Her engaging style, candor and deep commitment to helping others – as she herself was helped – make her a preferred presenter for ACS. She enjoys the opportunity to share information and her story, believing with each talk that she may be helping to save someone’s life.

Pro-Track Profile

The 2010 Pro-Track program kicks off on Saturday January 23 at the Burlingame, CA, Hilton Hotel.

Janet is excited to be a part of Pro-Track. She is pursuing her dream of becoming a professional speaker and impacting many more lives with both her unique perspectives and heartfelt good will.

I talked with Janet on the phone about the origins of her interest professional speaking and what she is looking for in the Pro-Track program. To hear what she told me, click on the podcast icon below.

Janet can be reached at (408) 226-8283 or by email at

Interview: Laura Delizonna, PhD – Choosing Happiness

Speaker, Author, Positive Psychologist and Life Coach

Laura DelizonnaDr. Delizonna is an expert in sustainable happiness. She coaches individual clients, conducts workshops at companies and nonprofits, and presents keynote speeches. She also teaches popular happiness and emotional intelligence courses at Stanford University. Recognized as an authority in happiness, Dr. Delizonna trains mental health professionals and serves as a board member of nonprofit organizations including The American Happiness Association and Project Happiness.

For as long as she can remember, Laura has wanted to do something that has a big impact on society. She has found her niche helping people build happier, more fulfilling lives. She sees it as part of the world peace movement. When people become happier, they not only infect others with their positivity, but they treat others more kindly, have stronger relationships, and are more altruistic generous, and compassionate toward others.

Two decades ago, she began her quest to find the keys to happiness. She started with herself and vowed that one day she would teach what she learned to others. She harvested teachings from everyone she could find who had something to say about happiness. From taxi drivers, to Maasai warriors, to researchers at top universities, she listened. She reflected on her own life lessons, earned her doctorate in clinical psychology, and learned from her experiences as a therapist treating people with depression and anxiety.

Now Laura feels she understands what it takes to be truly happy. She views happiness as emerging from having an ability to respond to each moment with skills. For the last five years, she has been teaching this skill set to others. She wrote a manual for increasing sustainable happiness which is calls “The 5 Habits of Happiness.” She teaches workshops for individuals, businesses, and organizations on how to increase happiness and well-being. She adds that businesses are becoming more interested in employee happiness because they realize that it affects the bottom line.

Pro-Track Profile

Laura has spoken internationally in South Africa and soon Vietnam as well as presents keynotes and workshops locally on how to increase sustainable happiness and enhance emotional intelligence. She is writing a self-help book and teaches positive psychology and emotional intelligence courses at Stanford University. She was a member of the NSA Northern California Pro-Track class of 2009. Her website is

I talked with Laura on the phone about the origins of her interest in happiness, how public speaking fits into her professional life, and what she thought of the Pro-Track program. To hear what she told me, click on the podcast icon below.

Interview: Diedra Wallis – The Power of Choice

Keynote Speaker, Author, and Singer

Diedra WallisDiedra has made the incredible journey from orphan and “lost cause” to an honor-roll student and college graduate. Her journey of survival –through the adversity of growing up in an addiction-driven household, to the loss of her parents during high school — has enabled her to be a living example that no young person has to be a victim of their circumstances.

Diedra has been speaking professionally since the age of 15. She has been recognized as a Global Young Leader by the Congressional Youth Leadership Council, and served as Miss Yuba-Sutter as well as Miss California-State.

Diedra is well known for her presentations to youth regarding “The Power of Choice” but also speaks for educators on a broad range of topics including a powerful collaborative keynote with award winning educator Dr. Arlene Kaiser. Kaiser and Wallis’ keynote gives an informative and meaningful look at the classroom from both a student and teacher’s perspective. Diedra also shares her personal journey of tragedy and triumph in an inspirational and unforgettable Christian program entitled “Faith Through Adversity.”

Diedra is currently a full time student at California State University East Bay where she is a psychology major pursuing her life’s calling to be a drug counselor.

Pro-Track Profile

Diedra is also a participant in Northern California National Speakers Association 2009 Pro-Track class, where she says she has enjoyed taking her speaking career to the next level and has learned to think-outside-the box as a presenter. Diedra’ presentations have been described as vibrant and gritty. Her goal as a speaker is to combine real life experiences with practical tools that will leave you informed, affirmed, and strengthened. Diedra’s teachings are effective when applied in schools, work environments, service, and faith-based organizations.

For more information, please visit

To hear what Diedra had to tell me about her background, including her memories of the very first time she spoke to groups at an early age, click on the podcast icon below.

Interview: Dr. Ellen Taliaferro

Ellen TaliaferroEllen Taliaferro, MD (aka Dr T) is a recovering emergency physician now serving as the Medical Director of the San Mateo Medical Center Keller Center for Family Violence Intervention in San Mateo, CA.

Using her background in emergency medicine, stress management, and writing, she has created a program called Healing the Wound Within with a personal Writing Practice Prescription.

In addition, she continues to speak on Domestic Violence As A Health Issue and The Medical Aspects Of Manual Strangulation As A Form Domestic Violence Assault.

Dr T grew up in Will Rogers country and loves country humor. She sees herself as a true Okie: “Sooner born, Sooner bred, and when I die I’m California dead.” Of note, she finished her clinical career at UTSW medical school and Parkland Hospital. While there, the Dallas Morning News named her as one of the 100 most influential Texas women — an amazing feat for an Okie.

Pro-Track Profile

Dr. T. is a professional member of the National Speakers Association. She’s also a Board Member of the Northern California Chapter. Ellen is one of a growing number of established members who have enrolled in the 2009 Pro-Track class in order to take their career to the next level.

To hear what Dr. T has to say about professional speaking, well writing and Pro-Track, click on the podcast icon below.

Interview: Pat Obuchowski

Pat Obuchowski Pat Obuchowski is the CEO (Chief Empowerment Officer) of inVisionaria, a seven year old leadership, team and life coaching organization. She helps clients achieve their vision on both a professional and personal level by sharpening their leadership, interpersonal, coaching, presentation and organization skills. She coaches for results.

Most recently she served as an internal Lead Leadership Coach with Pacific Gas & Electric Company where she coached corporate leaders and teams to be more impactful and productive. Her special talent includes accelerating the learning and integration of organizational leaders and teams into new roles brought about by transitions, such as promotion, transfer, growth, mergers or acquisitions. She believes people are more fulfilled by mastering their strengths and managing their weaknesses.

Creative Vision Statements

She is a Certified Professional Co-active Coach through the Coaches Training Institute and completed their Co-Active Leadership and Leadership Mastery course. She is a leader for Vision Statement work
and a Bigger Game coach, workshop and certification leader.

Pat created the 2008 Vision Statement Movie for NSA Northern California.

Pro-Track Profile

What differentiates Pat from others in the coaching field is her operational experience in working at all levels and in all aspects of business. This experience provides her with a 360 degree understanding of business systems, leadership impact, and organizational politics. She helps people create plans that inspire and then coach them in the implementation of these plans.

She is a community activist who most recently served on the Executive Board of the Silicon Valley Coach Federation. She currently serves as a Global Board Member for the International Coach Federation.

I spoke with Pat about the status of her current projects and what attracted her to the NSA Northern California Pro-Track program. To hear what she told me, click on the podcast icon below.